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Thursday, March 31, 2011

HCG Day 14 and a Thursday

I am pretty sure that my decision as to whether or not to stick to this HCG diet has been made for me.  I have lost another pound since yesterday, which brings my 13 day total to -11.6 lbs.  I am extremely tired of eating the same foods over and over again, but I don't see how I can not do it for a little while longer, if I continue to lose at the rate that I have been. I had someone tell me that several people they worked with were on the HCG diet, and even the women that were small and did not have that much to lose had done very well on it.  None of them had gained their weight back, but it has not been very long so I am curious as to whether it will stay off. Not sure what happened, but the person that was beating me in our competition to see who can lose 15 lbs first, gained weight since yesterday, so I am beating him as of right now, we will have to see about tomorrow.
This is my crown, as I have officially been appointed the Queen of Klutz.  Not everyone is capable of hurting their ankle, leg, hip, back, and wrist while vacuuming.  Leave it to me!! I stepped backwards onto a bowl that the little guy I was babysitting had just taken off the table, it tipped over, twisting my ankle, unable to recover, I fell backward partially catching myself with my hand, but mostly breaking my fall with my hip on the corner of the bottom trim on the cedar chest.  Although I was in a lot of pain last night, and had trouble sleeping; I feel much better this morning.  My ankle is only slightly swollen and even though I am sore all over, the only place that really hurts is my hip, but even that is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I think that I would be able to find a way to hurt myself in a round padded room, haha.
Jim and I went to the 3rd quarter award assembly at the school this morning.  It was great!! Justus got the March DOGS Award for Fairness and Outstanding Attendance.  Jaima got on the Honor Roll w/straight A's. Alexis got on the Honor Roll and Bulldog Student Leader.  Lexi had hoped for this award because next quarter would have been her last chance to get it.  In her frustration at not getting it last quarter, she said, "How much more of a student leader can you be than being Student Council President?"  The speech that her teacher gave about her when presenting the award was actually kinda emotional.  The lady sitting next to me whose daughter had also received one said, "It almost makes you want to cry, huh?"  I am so very proud of all 3 of them.
(Couldn't get a picture of Jaima, but I tried.) 

Thursdays are very hard on my diet.  Jim works on Saturdays, so he has off on Thursdays and is here all day.  That would not be a problem if his skinny butt did not feel the need to eat, ALL DAY LONG!  So far today he has made himself 2 bacon and egg sandwiches on biscuits.  I am not even really a big fan of biscuits, but when the only starchy food I am getting is Melba toast, any kind of bread sounds appetizing.  I LOVE bacon, and just the smell of it is driving me crazy.  I had to take a break and go make myself a cup of hot tea.  In the past, I had tried to drink a lot of water when I was hungry or having a craving, and it just didn't work.  Hot tea has been the perfect solution for me, it is sweet and it seems to help me relax, just by holding the warm cup, and sipping it.  I have been drinking a cup in the morning, one in the afternoon only if I am really wanting to eat something and have already had my snack, and one in the evening after dinner.  It is decaffeinated tea and I sweeten it with Truvia.  I would love to hear what you guys do when you are having a craving, do you distract yourself with something, if so what, or try to find a healthier alternative, if so what?  We will see how many more yummy creations that he comes up with today for me to envy.  He has been running so he is getting more exercise than me right now, but I only have two more lbs before I will weigh less than him for the first time EVER!
My sister and her husband are closing on their new house tonight, yippee!  I am going to get their little girl, Kimber in the morning, and we are all going to the circus.  Mmmm, circus popcorn.  One day... I will not think about what type of food is going to be where I am going.

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